A few days ago I shared a blog I wrote a year or so ago about a popular book and movie. After I thought about it, I deleted the share from my facebook. I didn't change my opinion, I just didn't want anyone to read into it the wrong way. The most important thing I always want to reflect is my love for Jesus and my love for others. I would never want anyone to think that I thought my opinion was the gospel or that I was judging the ones who disagree. I believe whole heartedly in listening to our own convictions. Yours may be different from mine and that is fine. I follow my convictions & I would imagine that my fellow Christian friends do too. If we don't have the same, I love you all the same. It doesn't make you any more or less of a Christian if we have the same convictions. I try to follow Gods word the best for my life and I love sharing my life with you. (Just to clarify.)
As for teaching Brodie about Jesus, we've kept it very simple. We've taught him about prayer and worship. We share stores with him out of his children's bible. We never talk about sin. He's too young.
Today, I was cleaning. I wanted to hear a few of the artist that performed on the Grammys. I listen to a very limited amount of secular music so I didn't care to hear most of it. I was cleaning across the house from the TV and Brodie was playing. A certain artist was performing that I wasn't paying attention to and Brodie ran up to me with the remote. He said "turn this off Mama, Jesus doesn't like this." It shocked me. How did my 3 year old know what Jesus did or didn't like? I said "well we better turn it off. " & that's what we did.
My mind has been racing ever since. What made him feel this way? I've turned to scripture today and find comfort that my little boy already listens to his convictions. My prayer is that he never changes. There is power in being bold and there is power in the truth. BUT I think the most power is in love. Gods love for us is real and it's our greatest gift. Love you all & thank you for reading my rants!