Saturday, June 3, 2023

Now, that was a break! Welcome back

Hey y'all!! Welcome back to my little spot on the internet!

I haven't blogged in 5.5 years!! 

A few months ago, I stumbled across this blog via Facebook memories right before I was about to go to sleep.  I forgot all about it and didn't even realize it was still on the internet.  I laid in my bed laughing, smiling and crying as I read my posts. It made me wish that I had kept it going.  I decided that I would start a new one so we had a diary to go back and revisit memories.

I bought a domain, registered with Wordpress because Google said it was the best and bought a theme and all. I started trying to learn the platform and even made a few posts. BUT, I kept coming back to this blog. It didn't feel right leaving it and starting new.  Brodie, Paisley and River deserved to read these older post.  Luckily, I found the email and password and was able to get back in. After some updating, I'm back! 

A LOT has changed since my last post in 2016 but I will be leaving every post as it was.  

My dads death, Divorce, Remarried, New baby.

  I love that the kids can go back and read about our life before all of the change. 

I'll be sharing about all the things that set my heart on fire!

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