Friday, August 17, 2012

Life these days...

I NEVER get the chance to blog! When I get on to work, I'm working so it leaves NO free time to blog. Yes, I try to do it on my cell-but not much time for that either!!

Why am I so busy??

WELL...remember this little boy that I always blog/talk/on and on and on about....

He keeps his mommy BUSY!! He takes 2 naps a day-maybe 15 minutes a piece. He is EVERYWHERE & I'm constantly running after him or pulling him down from climbing.

He is pretty rotten & I'm all to blame.

Oooops I'm forgetting another reason I'm busy.
Monday-Soul Steppers Drama Practice
Sunday Morning-Children's Church Pastors.

Did I mention I have 4 extra children at my house under the age of 10 as I'm posting this pointless blog?? {posting to remind myself later why so much time as gone by without blogging-including our family vacay!!}

I've also been giving my boring house a make over!! So far, the living room is almost done!! Whoo hoo!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the Goodwill table! Makes me want to take a trip there and see what I can find to paint :)


Love Notes