Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Night time prayers & tears.

I pray before I go to bed every night, do you? If not, I encourage you to try it. It's the most peaceful way to end your night, I promise you. I pray out loud, too. I think it's the most important thing I can teach my children. I ALWAYS thank God for my family, but I spend a little bit more time on Brodie. He's the one I always hold tight while I pray. I make sure that he hears me thank God for him. I love to build him up in faith.  Well, last night Brodie was on my phone putting together a puzzle. I knew making him put it down to pause for our prayers would be a battle so I just began to pray. I went through our list....thank you for daddy, and paisley, and Cheyanne, and Gamma, and Granny, and Pa, and Granddaddy....we names all our uncles and aunts and future cousins and friends and whoever we think of. At the end of the list, I thanked God for the new baby. And then I began to pray for him/her starting from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet...declaring health and wholeness. I looked up and Brodie had his eyes closed and his head down with tears flowing down his cheeks. He noticed that I stopped and he caught my eye. He looked up and said "God said our baby will be fearfully and wonderfully made just like me and Pays." My heart could of exploded with pride, joy, confirmation...you name it. My almost four year old little boy not only hearing the voice of God but declaring his word. There are so many times that I question myself as a mom. Do I let him get away with too much? Why is he acting that way? Why is he so stubborn? But, I know one thing. I'm doing something right and I think it's the most important. I'm so thankful for that. My kids will always know Gods love for them & they will also always hear me praise Him for that.

"Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips."

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