Friday, March 11, 2016

Where I stand.

"If I have to question where I stand with you, I'd rather not have you standing with me."

I got on this good streak of blogging and then BAM. NOTHING. Nothing with me usually means (A) I'm way busier than usual or (B) I have too much to say & worried I may say it out of emotion and offend a few in the process.

My silence is an extreme case of both.

And I'm still feeling silent, today. BUT I was reading a few of my favorite bloggers ideas on kids ministry this morning trying to get some inspiration for Easter and I clicked on my posts. There it was....March 7th at 12:15 am.... I posted.

I have no memory of posting this. I even asked Phillip if he posted on my blog. I don't think he would  even know where to start BUT it was the only other possibility.  I've never heard this quote...don't know where it came from.

But, there it was. Saying all that I need to say.

God has really been working on me these past few weeks. He's showing me that actions always speak louder than words. He's convicted me of not being the best I can be with my own relationships.  He's restoring relationships. He's literally slapping me in my face with answers to my prayers. I've never felt closer to Him. I feel like he's removing everything that has to be removed and adding what is supposed to be added in my life. I have more clarity than I've ever had  I'm beyond thankful to be standing right in his will trusting that He has my life in His hands. And I'm so thankful for all the people in my life that I "stand" with.


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