Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Challenge.

I'm challenging myself in many different areas of my life right now. I'm dedicated to being a better me. It's my resolution for the year. In some areas I have succeeded and others I've failed so far. But I'm determined to be the best version of myself. I love to read. I love to read my bible but I'm guilty of not diving into my bible on a daily basis. I've made a personal commitment to change this. I made this commitment a few weeks back and I've seen a huge change in myself and my attitude. 

My favorite preacher got me thinking a few weeks ago as I listened to him preach. He said "If you make much of Jesus, he will make much of you." This hit me hard. What do I make of him? I want to be a light. I want to make a difference. I want to live my life with a purpose. I want to serve Him & serve others. This challenges me. But I am accepting the challenge. I want to make much of Jesus because not only do I want Him to make much of me but I want Him to make much of my family. 

I want to represent Christ so well that others would want to know him.  In order to make much of Him, I have to know His word better. 

We've struggled for the past two years with finding a church to attend. My heart felt a void and I'm slowing feeling like its being filled again. I love where God has placed us. I love the desire to be in His presence. 

I guess my point in all of this ramble is to say my heart is happy & God is good. :)

If you make much of Jesus, he will make much of you." -David Thaxton)

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